
“It is a well-known fact that readers are often distracted by the readable content of a page when viewing its layout.”


Our Rockstar Pricing

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page


Rs/-20,000/Per month
  • Basic Package Price: ₹20,000 What You Get: 10 posts and 5 reels Best For: Small businesses or startups looking to get started with social media.


Rs/-25,000/Per month
  • Standard Package Price: ₹25,000 What You Get: 15 posts and 7 reels Best For: Growing businesses needing a bit more content and engagement.


Rs/-30,000/Per month
  • Premium Package Price: ₹30,000 What You Get: 20 posts and 10 reels Best For: Established brands wanting maximum impact with extensive content.

"Our Special Pricing: Affordable Solutions to Support Your Digital Needs"

“It’s well-known that readers can easily lose focus on a page, drawn away by its readable content.”

"Our Beginner-Friendly Pricing: Affordable Plans to Kickstart Your Digital Journey"

“Engage Your Audience: Crafting Content That Captivates, Not Distracts”.

1 Month


per month

6 month


per month